Winter 2013-2014 compared to 2012-2013:
# of mornings @ PSU <10 F: 29* this yr so far; 4 last winter.
# of mornings @ PSU <=0 F: 9 this yr so far; 0 last winter.
Days Above Normal @ PSU Dec-Feb 2012-2013: 54%
Days Above Normal @ PSU Dec-Feb 2013-2014: 30%
Lowest Temp This Winter: -9, Coldest Since 1994's -18
The data above is from AccuWeather's KPSU database. *Updated 3/13 to add one more day.
Also from the AccuWeather data: Due to the unusually cold winter this season versus last, Penn State recorded 63 days (70%) with at least a trace of snow, and 61 days (68%) with at least an inch of snow cover this winter (90 days Dec-Feb). Last winter those numbers were 48 (53%) and 32 (36%). In other words:
The number of days with snow cover was nearly twice this season versus last!
The official PSU temperature stats for last winter & this winter are shown below; we were a full 6.19 degrees colder this winter than last!

In addition to the temperature record mentioned above, 1994 was quite a winter. Harrisburg had at least 1" of snow on the ground for 71 consecutive days, which established a new record (this year they only had 45 non-consecutive). 1994's streak continued until they had 75 consecutive days, ending on March 20th. At Penn State, however, 1994's snow cover lasted from January 3 to March 31 (88 consecutive days!) And of course, that snow year (July 1993 - June 1994) set the record of 109.3" here in State College (as well as the Annual Snowfall at 102.6").